I've done a reasonable amount of programming in my spare time over the last few years, particularly in JavaScript. Below are things that I'm happy enough with to share with the world:
Rangy is a cross-browser JavaScript range and selection library. It grew from various in-browser editor projects I've undertaken. -
jshashtable is a JavaScript implementation of a hash table that allows use of arbitrary objects as keys. -
log4javascript is a JavaScript logging framework based on log4j's API. This was my first attempt at doing something proper: there's full documentation and automated tests. -
JS1k 2012 entry: Slime Loveyball
My entry in the 2012 JS1k competition. It's an implementation of Slime Volleyball in 1023 bytes of JavaScript and while I felt it was a considerable improvement on my previous year's entry, it was unplaced. -
JS1k 2012 entry: First Crush
Another entry in the 2012 JS1k competition. Since competing entries were limited to one per person, and I thought Slime Loveyball was better, I entered this niche JavaScript code crusher as a non-competing entry. Possibly a mistake, as the very similar I have a crush on JS came fifth and Slime Loveyball came nowhere. -
JS1k 2011 entry: Minesweeper
This was my entry in the 2011 JS1k competition. It's an implementation of Minesweeper (not my first, or indeed second, but the first under 1K) and it came seventh in the competition. -
Sudoku solver
I went through a brief phase of solving sudoku puzzles a few years ago and decided, like so many other programmers, that what the world needed was yet another program to solve them. My solver is basic but its big plus is linking the solution steps to the grid so that you can view the state of the puzzle at each step. -
Countdown letters game solver
I've been vaguely considering applying to appear on Countdown for years, so I wrote this to help me practise. -
Countdown numbers game solver
Another Countdown practice aid. -
A JavaScript implementation of the formatting part of Java's SimpleDateFormat. -
Minesweeper written in JavaScript. Yes, another one.